idk lol xd 9000

ok so if ur here err u probably found this on IsangCentimo's bio, so hi i guess

so hi i guess, but this website and it's text is directed to some certain friends of mine who i no longer wish to interact with (you know who you are), as i do not want to associate myself with my former internet alias. If you are reading this, you are completely free to contact me again and ask questions, but do not refer to me as the person that you knew before. i condemn all my actions that were done under that alias, which is the reason why i choose to change it all. anyways yeah cool

this was directed to you two (_colon_three_ and imnotpotat on xitter) . It's fine by me for you guys to interact with me in public or in private (on the internet ofc), but if you choose to still treat me as such, and berate me for things i have done in the past, i will respectfully block you. People change, and it's quite clear that I want to leave the past behind. ok thx

You might be reading this at 11;00 AM, Australian Western Standard Time June 2, 2025, which is the scheduled time for the twitter post with this website. and before this post is released, which would probably be the day before June 2, i will clear everything, which is my discord and my current twitter account. For my roblox account, ima do nothing LOL im too lazy to do that but yeah

Another thing, I chose to wipe off any instance of my old internet alias because of two things:

Well, see you guys i guess

would ya look at that, another thing i have to put in... DM me through twitter if you want to recontact me, because i will make my discord account once June 2 hits.. ok that's all there's nothing else